With more than 600 industries, the lighting industry generates more than 37 thousand jobs (including the production chain of luminaires, reactors and light bulbs). Fixtures represent 61% of the sector's turnover. Lamps, 28% and reactors, 11%.
The vast majority of industries are concentrated in Greater São Paulo. They represent 58% of the total. 25% are located in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Pernambuco. The remaining 17% are in the interior of the State of São Paulo.
The sector's revenues in 2017 reached R $ 3.7 billion.
Fixtures represent 61% of the sector's turnover. Lamps, 28% and reactors, 11%.
About Brazil
Brazil: diversified and sustainable economy
Brazil has a diversified economy, solid institutions and legal security for domestic and foreign investors. These attributes, coupled with innovative social policies that are especially relevant to developing countries, lead Brazil to become one of the largest economies of the 21st Century and play a strategic role in the world economic scenario.
With a strong consumer market, Brazil stands out for the development of innovative technologies in several industrial and services segments, such as in the oil exploration, biotechnology, aviation, telecommunications, banking automation, agribusiness and biofuel industries, among others. Rich in natural resources, Brazil is a major producer of food and has a broad industrial and technological base, modern and diversified, and stands out even more in the world scenario in segments of the creative economy.
A leader in world oil production in deep and super-deep waters, the country is also the world's largest producer of biofuels. The diversified Brazilian energy matrix is the cleanest among all countries. Half of the energy consumed in Brazil comes from renewable sources. Currently, more than 90% of vehicles licensed in Brazil are equipped with flexfuel engines.
Creativity and cultural diversity are Brazilian marks present in industry, technology and services produced in the country. These are characteristics that contribute to the Brazilian economy being increasingly innovative, competitive and sustainable.